| 1. | Notification of change of institution course data fasp c 1b 填写申请书的参考样本fasp r1 2006 |
| 2. | Notification of change of institution course data tsf c 18b 更改就读院校课程资料通知书tsf c 18b |
| 3. | Notification of change of institution course data fasp c 1b rev . 2006 更改就读院校课程资料通知书tsf c 18b |
| 4. | Practice and exploration of the teaching reform on the course data structure 数据结构课程教学改革实践与探索 |
| 5. | If there is change in your institution or course of study , or your tuition fees payable , you should notify our agency by using the " notification of change of institution course data " form tsf c 18b 如果你就读的院校或课程或者你应缴的学费有变,你应该用更改就读院校课程资料通知书tsf c 18b通知本处。 |
| 6. | As educator , he teaches the graduate course data mining and electronic business at stanford university . he is a sought - after speaker at international conferences and in executive education 他是教育家,执教斯坦福大学,主讲研究生课程《数据发掘和电子商务》 ,在国际会议和高级经理人教育领域,他还是颇受欢迎的演说人 |
| 7. | If there is change in your institution or course of study , or your tuition fee payable , you should notify our agency by using the form " notification of change of institution or course data " tsf c 18b 如果你就读的院校或课程或者你应缴的学费有变,你应该填妥及交回更改就读院校或课程资料通知tsf c 18b通知本处。 |
| 8. | If an applicant has changed his her course or institution of study , or the tuition fee payable , he she should notify this agency by using the " notification of change of institution or course data " fasp c 1b form 如申请人更改所读课程或就读学院,或申请人应缴的学费有变,应使用更改就读院校或课程资料通知书fasp c 1b表格通知学生资助办事处。 |
| 9. | With the background of developing of choosing courses subsystem in educational administration management information system , the author unites the above theory and practice . the model utilizes bypast choosing courses data storing in database to forecast the future trend of choosing courses 本文以教务管理信息系统中选课预测子系统为背景,将预测模型应用到实际中,在对数据库中历史选课记录分析的基础上,对未来选课趋势进行预测。 |
| 10. | When testing begins , the computer of the tested uav flight control system will be connected into the network as a slave . the master of the system will diagnose faults should there be any ; otherwise it will set flight parameters and load flight course data for the slave 检测时,无人机的飞控系统计算机作为从机连入网络,如果从机的飞控系统没有故障,主机将为从机设置飞行参数和装定航线数据;如果有故障,则主机为从机飞控系统诊断故障。 |